The American Guide to Being a Capitalist

You may think that it’s difficult to be part of the owner class here in the United States.  In reality, all it takes is millions of dollars from your family and a very simple formula, perfected over generations by Rockefellers, Waltons and more.  A proper capitalist would charge for these instructions, but then again, they probably wouldn’t tell you at all.  Enjoy the guide and let me know if you get rich(er). Continue reading

The Past, Present, and Future – Part Two of Two

Note: My current domain name ( will expire in a few weeks.  In light of my separation from the company that gave me the moniker, I will be retiring this domain and moving Rage and Love to a new one.  I haven’t yet decided on which it will be, but I plan to update you here and on my other social channels when the decision has been made.

Here we are again.  Nearly two weeks have passed since Continue reading

Punishing the Heroes, Rewarding the Villains

Deric Lostutter exposed the corruption in Steubenville, Ohio as an entire town covered up the rape of a fifteen year old girl.  His work as “KYAnonymous” and the help of other Anons blew the whistle on school and law enforcement officials covering up an inexcusable crime to maintain the reputation of their high school football team.  Apologists for the rapists were shamed and the system was forced to work in light of the resulting public pressure. Continue reading

Fall Out Boy Show in Columbus, Other Random Things

This was either going to be a short blog post or a long status update, so here we are.  First, let me say that I’ve found a solution to my Facebook problem.  Some of you already know that I usually have a few tabs open with stories that I plan to post on Facebook “later” so I don’t get too spammy.  I’ve been contemplating using Buffer for a while to help space these stories out, and today I’ve made the jump.  From this point out, I’ll be buffering stories as I come across them, and Buffer will post them at rationally spaced out times.  We’ll see what kind of schedule the app comes up with.  I hope it doesn’t post the good stuff at 2am. Continue reading

International Workers’ Day and “Right to Work”

I wanted to write up a long post about May Day today and discuss the disappointment on the left around how little support this important day has in the United States.  I’ve discussed the decline in organized labor in the U.S. several times on this blog and I’m sure it will come up again, but I didn’t find the time to put out a quality post today.

Then I read that the Ohio legislature is up to their old tricks again. Continue reading

“Maybe you should move to Russia since you’re an America-hating socialist!”

In my conversations with friends, coworkers, and various netizens in social media or news comment sections, I’m often subject to a handful of overused and meaningless attack phrases that have become part of the lexicon of left-bashers.  For example:

  • Socialism has failed everywhere it was tried
  • Every socialist leader has been a violent dictator
  • I prefer freedom because I’m an American Continue reading

Signed up for my first 5K, created a training regimen

I don’t know how two weeks goes by so quickly, but clearly, I was a little stressed around the time of my last post.  April was a bit rough and I wasn’t feeling it.  Beyond the week in San Juan, everything pretty much sucked, and I occasionally have a hard time pulling out of situations like that… but I got there.  Two weeks of traveling for work, a week of insanity trying to get caught up on the backlog that creates, the cancellation of some projects I had worked hard on for quite some time… not a great combination, but it’s the tough times that remind us how great life is on the upswing. Continue reading

Almost Done Traveling, Spring Plans, Etc.

So I got sick again… since I started working from home again last August, I’ve been sick three or four times, including my October trip to Orlando and the week after Christmas.  When I was flying back and forth every few weeks, things were great, but my immune system is clearly weakened again.  It doesn’t help that I haven’t been hitting the gym or even really going outside because of the weather.  I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:

If you work from a home office, get outside and around others often.  It will help keep you healthy. Continue reading