It’s like this, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Bernie asked for more debates. Martin asked for more debates. Members of the DNC asked for more debates. Loyal Democratic voters and people new to your party and progressive organizations and the media asked for more debates.
You said no. You said we ONLY need to focus on differentiating ourselves from the GOP, and that was final. You said any candidate who participates in an unsanctioned debate-style event will be banned from future DNC-sanctioned debates. You refused to listen to the critical mass, and you shouted them down because you thought your hand-picked candidate would benefit.
Now we have twelve days until Iowa and she’s in jeopardy of some pretty drastic losses, and your team has assembled a live Town Hall for all three candidates that will air nationally on CNN five days from now. Suddenly, something changed your view on giving the people access to the candidates, and you took immediate action.
But you’re still missing the overarching story here. You’re completely transparent. The party establishment is completely transparent. We know what you’re doing, we know why you’re doing it, and we don’t approve. At a certain point in the recent past, that wouldn’t have meant much, because “we” weren’t the majority of Democratic voters.
Now we are, and every disingenuous tactic you employ to make a mockery of the process and try to force your candidate on us only makes us stronger in our resolve to defeat you, your candidate, and your establishment.
We will shout your transgressions from every rooftop, then we will donate more to Bernie, then we will phonebank more for Bernie, then we will win.
Face it. The dirty tricks era has ended. The era of transparency and authenticity is here. While you’re helping Hillary with her concession speech, you should write your own for the battle you will soon lose to Tim Canova. This political revolution has no time for the questionable ethics of the establishment.
Make no mistake: This is the year of the anti-establishment progressive. We will win.
SIDE NOTE: Wow, it looks like this is my most viewed post of all time! Thanks for the shares. I’m gonna take a second to ask you all a favor. For any Bernie supporters stumbling across this article, I’m working on a project with Lorain County for Bernie Sanders to send mailers to hundreds — if not thousands — of residents in the crucial swing state of Ohio. Most of our funding will come out of our own pockets, but some of it will also come from this “Give ’em Hell, Bernie” bumper sticker which you can order for $6 with free shipping in the US. 100% of the money earned will be used for the mailers. Please consider supporting our efforts!